[Qgis-user] Python Batch Processing

MaurĂ­cio de Paulo mauricio.dev at gmail.com
Wed Sep 9 15:51:50 PDT 2009

Hi list,
As I am a serious user of GDAL Utilities and FWTools, I've found myself
manytimes trying to repeat a ogr2gr or a gdalwarp for whole directories and
writing much bash and bat code for the task. As a solution the the guys who
work with me I've written the PyBatchProc script that is a QT gui to run
command-line tools for series of files in folders or subfolders.

I'm planning on creating a QGIS plugin script to let the tool run from
inside QGIS too.


Any bugs found or sugestions are welcome.
I hope you enjoy.

MaurĂ­cio de Paulo
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