[Qgis-user] Example Maps for UNDP spatial planning projects in Asia-Pacific

Anita Graser anitagraser at gmx.at
Tue Sep 15 02:43:35 PDT 2009

Hi all,

Yesterday, I received a mail from Melissa Burgess who's working with UNDP  
Regional Centre in Bangkok. They are working on a list of GIS products and  
request information on QGIS.

Melissa Burgess writes:

"The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) is managing a project  
titled “Better Informed Environmental Decision Making through Integrated  
Spatial Planning” in the Asia-Pacific Region.  The project focuses on  
demonstrating the benefits of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) for  
environmental management, as well as stimulating a demand for spatial  
planning resources amongst government and the private sector.

The project outputs will include:
1. A list of GIS software providers and a brief description of GIS  
products on the market; and
2. Examples of the application of GIS in environmental management. These  
examples are designed to encourage governments, United Nations agencies  
and non-government organizations to use GIS.

I am writing to request your input into these two project outputs by  
providing: 1) information on Quantum GIS products; and 2) examples of maps  
produced with your GIS software. By participating in this project you have  
a unique opportunity to promote your company and advertise your products  
in the Asia-Pacific Region. All information that you provide to the UNDP  
for use in these project outputs will be referenced to your company or,  
where necessary, to the institutions/individuals that authored the map  
examples you provide."

[End of Melissa's mail]

I wrote the first part (information on Quantum GIS products) but I need  
your help with the example maps. It would be great if you could send me  
some maps with topics from the following list:

· Forestry management
· Biodiversity and habitat monitoring
· Land degradation monitoring
· Protected areas management
· Watershed management
· Coastal zone management
· Marine and fisheries management
· Climate change adaptation and mitigation
· Disaster Risk Reduction and Response
· Pollution prevention and control
· Social and Environmental Impact Assessments
· Land use planning
· Town planning
· Land allocation
· Environmental legislation compliance

Information required for each example:

· Category (from list above):
· Location:
· Name of organization producing the map:
· Map picture:
· Map title:
· Map  description (one to five sentences):
· GIS Product used:
· Type of spatial analysis used (if applicable):

It would be great if you could send me some maps and information on them.  
I wrote to Melissa asking about the deadline but I guess we don't have too  
much time.

Maybe we can also use the same information to put together a brochure like  
"QGis and environmental mapping" or a wiki page like that :)


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