[Qgis-user] adding txt as shp

Stefan Kiefer st_kiefer at web.de
Tue Aug 31 22:37:16 PDT 2010

Hello John,
what I did is to replace the spaces in between by one single tablulator
char. When you apply the plugin you used \t as delimiter which is the
representation of a tabulator char. Whatsoever I suggest to generate
text files with columns delimitedt with tabulator chars instead of
spaces. For me it looked like the file you use has fixed column size.
Therefore it has no distinct number of spaces in between the columns.
Anyway it is more preferable to have only one single delimiter char
instead for lets say two or four spaces, this might even confuse the
plugin and you maybe get a lot of columns instead of three.
If you can not influence the kind of delimiter I suggest you import the
textfile in Vim (or whatever plain text editor of your choice) and
replace the clustered spaces by one single tabulator. you can do that
either by replacing in the first run two spaces by one, do this for
three times. Then you can be sure there is only one single space in
between the columns. Then replace all spaces by tabulator chars "\t"
In Vim you can do that in one single step by using a regular expression.
Simply load the file in Vim. Then type the following and confirm with

:% s/ \+/\t/ge

then type and confirm with return


Vim closes and your file consists of only tabulator chars instead of
spaces. In other editors the regex might be slightly different (e.g. no
\ before + or \s instead of a space before \+ you have to validate this
in the manual)

Am Montag, den 30.08.2010, 15:37 -0700 schrieb john:
> Hello Stephan, 
>    Thanks again for your help. I believe I want to use the vector file
> as I don't need to distinguish by colors. I would like to represent
> the magnetic data as polygons whose borders are of similar values in
> Teslas, (nT). The file is now points and I would like to connect and
> represent points with magnitudes within, say, 5 Teslas as contours. I
> have not yet had the time to try the contour  plugin suggested by
> Micha Silver. I will do so now. Thank you for the suggestion, Micha.
> By the way, I still don't know how you changed the original file to
> get it to import with the delimeter plugin. I tried to amend the file
> in c++ to look like yours by erasing one header and making sure I had
> only 4 spaces but that didn't work. I'll go over your other posts and
> try to see what obvious step I'm missing. 
>   Thanks again,
>   J.R
> From: Stefan Kiefer 
> Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2010 7:47 AM
> To: john 
> Cc: Qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org 
> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] adding txt as shp
> Hello J.R.,
> I'm not sure about want you intend to do. Do want to adapt a model to
> calculate contours of the data or do you simply want to display a
> continous (raster)image? the question is rather do you want to use
> vector data or raster data. If you like to gain a raster image from
> the points you might want to use grass(plugin) and convert the point
> data to raster. If you want to derive contour lines or areas you can
> use the contour plugin as Micha Silver proposed already. Otherwise
> with grass you can apply even more complex models, depending on the
> complexity of your data the method of deriving contours and/or the
> quality and scale of your data.
> cheers
> Stefan
> Am Samstag, den 28.08.2010, 12:11 -0700 schrieb john: 
> > Hello Stefan, 
> >    First; sorry about the misspelling of your name in the last
> > posting. Second; after some fiddling with import settings  I can
> > load the file that you sent to my project and get the attribute
> > values with the identify tool. I just had to magnify to a scale
> > where they showed as single points and not one large colored square.
> > Thanks. Do you know of an easy way to display the data as contoured
> > increments? I am trying to use the interpolate plugin but really
> > don't know what I'm doing yet. I'll keep trying and hope the manual
> > gives some good direction. 
> >   again, much thanks.
> >   J.R. 
> > 
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