[Qgis-user] PRJ file does not include custom crs?

Zoran Jankovic zoran.jankovic at zisis.hr
Sun Jan 24 12:33:00 PST 2010

Hi list,

I have two, presumably newbie, questions:
- I have created my custom CRS, and I wanted to export it with my shape
file, so I could use "keep native" option in Geoserver SRS handling... But.
when I checked the resulting PRJ file it did not contain my specified
towgs84 parameters. Specifically, custom CRS in QGIS is:

+proj=tmerc +lat_0=0 +lon_0=18 +k=0.9999 +x_0=6500000 +y_0=0 +ellps=bessel
+units=m +no_defs
and PRJ file says:


I have tried to do the same in 1.0.2, 1.4.0 and r12771M (trunk), always the
same result... What am I missing?

And the second question is slightly offtopic. I am working on a project that
needs some basic data display and search functionality, for now it is: QGIS
- Geoserver - OpenLayers. For the "more advanced" fetures like search and
feature highlight for now I'm using GeoExt. But it seems a bit overkill...
does anyone has any examples, links... to do it with "just" OpenLayers?


Zoran Jankovic
ZIS-Izrada softvera i savjetovanje / ZIS - Software Development and


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