[Qgis-user] postgis layer from a view

Lionel Roubeyrie lionel.roubeyrie at gmail.com
Tue Jun 1 01:48:04 PDT 2010

Hi all,
I can't load datas from a postgis view, the loader complains about no
uniques values and int4 type, however the view starts with "SELECT
nextval('my_seq'::regclass)::integer AS gid, com.the_geom, ..." (the
gid column is not listed in the error message) which works perfectly
if datas are stored in a table. Is there a trick to load datas from
views, and more generally is it possible to force the postgis provider
to create an internal unique key?

Lionel Roubeyrie
lionel.roubeyrie at gmail.com

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