Postgis-Help for Beginners, was: Re: [Qgis-user] Re: Edit UI (John C. Tull)

Andreas Neumann a.neumann at
Wed Mar 17 00:16:05 PDT 2010


If you are serious into learning Postgis I recommend buying Regina Obes
and Leo Hsu's "Postgis in Action" - which also covers integration of
Postgis in OpenSource GIS apps. Another good online resource for Postgres
(without Postgis) is the official PostgreSQL reference, which I find quite
easy to read:

Sure, there are some advanced and harder to understand topics, but the
part that new users have to deal with is relatively easy to learn. With a
graphical client like pgAdmin3 you can see the underlying SQL commands
while interactively working with Postgis.

I also agree with Paolo: if you are the only user of the data and if the
Postgis learning path is too steep, then SpatiaLite might be a better
option, which is more powerful than Shapefiles and keeps all data in one
file. Also there are SpatiaLite tools that allow to browse and explore
data without a GIS.

Having to deal with both Postgis and OracleSpatial at my workplace I can
say that Postgis is much easier to learn and maintain than Oracle and that
the Postgis community is much friendlier and quicker to help.


On Tue, March 16, 2010 9:16 pm, Doug Lane wrote:
> I would like to second this sentiment.   As someone who has learned the
> ARC way with geodatabases and is looking more at the open source world
> (and trying to get more people into it also!!)  this would be a tremendous
> benefit.
> I have looked at the desktop GIS book, and am still overwhelmed learning 2
> new large pieces of software at once.  QGIS is fairly easy to pick up, but
> the whole POSTGRE/ POSTGIS part is intimidating...
> I know that people are busy working on the QGIS project, but if someone
> were to take the time and make a beginner's guide to the most
> common/useful commands and how to setup/integrate into QGIS, I feel it
> would be EXTREMELY beneficial to both projects....   and most of all give
> you the competitive leg up on other OS GIS products and a larger chunk of
> users away from the larger way more expensive program that most people
> use.
> Just a humble thought to help some of us straddling the fence of trying to
> learn FOSS software instead of being intimidated and giving up....
> doug
> Join me
>> Date: Tue, 16 Mar 2010 08:28:17 -0700
>> From: "John C. Tull" <jctull at>
>> Subject: Re: [Qgis-user] Edit UI
>> To: Mike Toews <mwtoews at>
>> Cc: qgis-user at
>> Message-ID: <05F06230-72B8-4E46-BE8B-80BBC74C8B3A at>
>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252
>> Mike and others,
>> There have been some useful posts recently about leveraging the power of
>> postgis in qgis. What would be great is if someone or several people
>> with postgis skills could produce some tutorials on how postgis can be
>> used in qgis (beyond simply having a postgis database). Unfortunately,
>> even a useful postgis query in the email list without a real-world
>> example of implementation can be very intimidating or confusing for most
>> users as sql is a challenge to the uninitiated. Ideally, a series of
>> video or well-imaged written tutorials can be made that will walk people
>> through some useful postgis capabilities.
>> Examples that would be helpful include setting up the
>> triggers/views/functions that you alluded to below, performing
>> intersections or other geometry calculations that can generate new
>> postgis tables, adding area or length calculations to existing polygons
>> in an auto-update field (is that possible?), etc.
>> Having the visual tutorials for leveraging the power of postgis in qgis
>> would be a tremendous boon to the qgis community, and it would help set
>> qgis apart from other gis software. Many people would benefit from this,
>> and I include myself as one of the potential beneficiaries.
>> I hope that you or others may be able to rise to this qgis community
>> need. If anyone knows of existing postgis/qgis tutorials, let's get a
>> list in the wiki so people can find them easily.
>> Regards,
>> John
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Andreas Neumann

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