geological cross-sections (was: Re: [Qgis-user] digitizing a map unprojected and cartesic)

Pierre Chevalier Géologue pierrechevaliergeol at
Mon Sep 13 03:12:39 PDT 2010


Torsten Lange claviota:
> Hi,
> I need to georeference some geological cross sections 
Ah, sounds familiar!

> to load them into a 3D modeling software, which uses a simple, unprojected, orthogonal coordinate system. But I always have to define a specific projection, which at least in one case distort the map too strong. 
? Strange. Are your cross-sections vertical? Usually, for such sections, 
you specify x,y,z for each corner, and there should not be any great 
distortion. Unless some mistakes are made while typing numbers, of 
course. Which modeling software are you using?

> Is there a any chance in QGis? 
I'm afraid not. Qgis only works (so far!...) on the surface of the 
Earth, it is a GIS, not a 3D modelling software.

However, one dream I have is to make an extension of qgis for us 
geologists, to work with underground data also!
Doing cross-sections from a database on one side and a GIS on the other 
would be very helpful.
Does anyone know if there is already such a project around? Any 
volunteer to start something?...

> I currently use QGis 1.4.
> Thank you, Torsten


Pierre Chevalier Géologue EI
    Mesté Duran
    32100 Condom
  Tél+fax  :    09 75 27 45 62
                05 62 28 06 83
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  Émail  :
  icq#   :   10432285
  skype  :   pierre.chevalier1967

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