[Qgis-user] how to save style

M.E.Dodd m.e.dodd at open.ac.uk
Fri Aug 5 03:21:27 PDT 2011

I have created a style using new symbology and a colour ramp that I have selected from one of the big list (it goes from whitish to red).  Then modified the range and label just by typing in the relevant figures.  But then it won't save, it says it has saved but when I look in the directory there is nothing there, have checked the file path and definitely no .qml file in that directory.  I have saved .qml files in other instances for raster layers but this is a bit different.

The layer is from a .csv points file and I want to classify the values in one of the columns and display this as the varying red colour.  It works using the default methods and shows the dots as different colours but not when I set up my own.  One reason for wanting to set my own is that I want to produce an animation showing how the values over several years so want to use the same scale each year and rather than manually changing the range and label for each year's dataset I want to make a style so can apply it to each automatically.

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