[Qgis-user] how to create a colourmap from 1 band greyscale raster?

M.E.Dodd m.e.dodd at open.ac.uk
Wed Aug 10 02:00:35 PDT 2011

I have the 1-band raster colour table plugin which has some very nice options for colour maps however the greyscale raster I am using has very large negative values to denote areas where there are no data compared to a normal range of say 0-40 for the areas were there are data.  Is there a way of telling the plugin to ignore these very large negative values when making the scale or somehow deal with them so they are recognised as separate from the proper data so they can all be given a single 'no data' colour?
Actually the power distribution method initially seems to do just what I want, it gives the no data large negative number a single colour and produces a nice gradation in the other numbers BUT they are shown as black and white rather than in colour for some reason so I end up with a blue + black and white image.

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