[Qgis-user] DEM terrain models problem

Carlos Cerdán sig.upagu at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 18:47:00 PDT 2011

Dear QGIS list members:

I've got some ASTER_GDEM data 
(http://www.gdem.aster.ersdac.or.jp/search.jsp) and I was testing the 
/DEM terrain models/ GDAL tool with my DEM.

The shaded relief map that I got is ok, but slope map is wrong: this one 
has 0 (zero) and over 89 degrees only, (there are not 1, 2, 3....88) . 
I've tried all options but I got always a 0 and 89 (and decimal) degress 

I've tried with the r.slope module (GRASS pluggin)  and it does a good 
job: I get a full-slope map.

My distro: QGIS 1.7 on Ubuntu 11.04. A month ago I fixed it for the TIFF 
images problem reported here: 
It is relationed with this slopes problem?

As I said, the GRASS pluggin did the right work, but I'd liked GDAL tool 
does too. Perhaps I did something wrong or Is something wrong with this 

Thank you in advance for sugestions

Regards from Cajamarca - Perú

Carlos Cerdán

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