[Qgis-user] From Bob Peck who needs help

Robert Peck rm25951 at yahoo.com
Fri Dec 16 09:44:41 PST 2011

Uncle!  I need help.
I have been trying to learn QuantumGIS so that I can put GPS
(NAD 83 datum) locations of rock outcrops on a USGS quadrangle topographic map
(NAD 27 datum), connect the points to make contours, and produce a geological
map of the quadrangle.  I know how to
make an Excel file into a .csv file which I can use to import the data to the
project.  I have learned how to open a
new project, load a topo quad map, load a data set, and make either one of them
visible on the map panel, and that's as far as I get.  I'm trying to get the data points to appear
on the map but am having no success.  Below are the steps I've taken to get that far.
Any suggestions as to what I'm doing wrong or what I'm not
doing right?  Any assistance will be
gratefully appreciated.  Thank you, Pilgrim
1.  Open QGIS.
2.  File  >>  New Project.
3.  Layer  >>  Add Raster Layer  >>  Browse  >>  Hinton_UTM27z17_nocoll_grey400dpi.tiff  >>  Open.
4.  The Hinton,WV USGS
quadrangle map appears in the map panel.
5.  Settings  >>  Project Properties.
            a.  Enable 'on the fly' CRS transformation.
            b.  Set CRS to NAD 27/UTM zone 17N (ID 2146).
            c.  Hit "apply" and then
6.  The map
7.  Right click on the
Hinton quad layer in the left panel   >>  Set layer CRS  >>  Set CRS to NAD 27/UTM zone 17N  (ID 2146)  >>  hit "OK".
8.  The map reappears.
9.  Layer  >>  Add delimited text layer  >>  browse   >>  NRGGPSHINTONAVIS.csv  >>  Open.
10.  "Create a
layer from a delimited text file" dialog box opens.
11.  I made sure that
"selected delimiters" and "comma" boxes were both checked.
12.  I set X to UTME
and Y to UTMN  >>  hit "OK".
13.  No data points
14.  Right click on the
data layer  >>  set layer CRS  >>  set CRS to NAD 83/UTM
zone 17N (ID 2294).
15.  View  >>  zoom to layer  >>  data appear but no map.
16.  If I choose
the map layer and go to View  >>  zoom to layer  >>  the map appears but no data.  This
goes back and forth with no data points appearing on the map, even when the map
layer is the bottom layer in the layer panel.
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