[Qgis-user] Send us your tips!

Pedro VenĂ¢ncio pedrongvenancio at yahoo.com
Tue Feb 22 02:07:15 PST 2011

Hello Andreas,

This tip is great!

 Is there any hint of its kind for the scale?

Pedro Venancio

--- On Mon, 2/21/11, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:

Hi Tim

Where should people who are not developers send the tips to? To you?

Here is one contribution:

Title: Add the current date to a map layout
Content: You can add a current date variable to your map layout. Create a regular text label and add the string $CURRENT_DATE(yyyy-MM-dd) to the text box. See the <a href="http://doc.qt.nokia.com/latest/qdate.html#toString">QDate::toString format documentation</a> for the possible date formats.


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