[Qgis-user] Ecological toolbox for QGIS - collecting ideas

Matt Boyd mattslists at gmail.com
Thu Feb 24 01:18:54 PST 2011

I wouldn't find an ecological system very useful but....
Would it be possible to implement custom menu items and configurations. Ie,
someone could assemble the ecological tools in a logical way in one or more
menu items or toolbars and share this menu via the plug installer.
On 24/02/2011 7:03 PM, "Rainer M Krug" <r.m.krug at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 6:52 AM, Dr. F. Patrick Graz <fgraz at unam.na>
>> Hi all,
>> I just had a quick look at the hyperlinks that were provided by the
>> posting. The collections seem quite useful. Many of these are, however,
>> already included in QGIS e.g. in the ftools or the home range manager.
>> While an ecological toolbox would be quite a useful thing, it can also
>> to some confusions / errors. For instance, using another GIS package I
>> obtained different results from two different buffering pluggins. So
>> one is correct? Also remember, that ArcGIS was (apparently) originally
>> produced because Arc/INFO (7.x) and ArcView 3.2 produced different
>> in calculations.
>> I would suggest as an alternative that a set of "how to's" is produced
>> (maybe in conjunction with the qgis web-site) that shows how the
>> analysis tasks are carried out. This way we a) increase the utility of
>> exiting pluggins is enhanced and b) if there are errors in a pluggin they
>> are more readily identified.
> You are raising good points - but I think with an howto, the problem
> is not solved for ecologists. I am an ecologist myself, so I am
> allowed to say that most of the ecologists I know would like to have
> one menu which gives them all routines for an analysis, without having
> to read through an howto, install several plugins, dig into different
> menus, ...
> But to avoid duplication, these already implemented routines should
> definitely not be re-implemented in a new plugin.
> But: I am not familiar with the plugin structure, but is it possible
> to create dependencies? I.e. my suggestion would then be tio have one
> "Ecological Toolbox" plugin, which consists of analysis methods not
> implemented already, plus is dependent (i.e. loads, installs, ...)
> several other plugins which contain ecological analysis methods. All
> these methods (internal and in other packages) are then all displayed
> under one menu "Ecological toolbox".
> This would avoid duplication and bring many different ecological
> methods in one menu.
> By the way: this approach could be used for creating other Toolboxes /
> Metaplugins which simply install other plugins and create menues in
> which these are grouped under one topic.
> Cheers,
> Rainer
>> Regards,
>> Patrick
>> ------------------------------------------
>> Dr. F. Patrick Graz
>> Snr. Researcher,
>> Multidisciplinary Research Centre,
>> University of Namibia
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> --
> Rainer M. Krug, PhD (Conservation Ecology, SUN), MSc (Conservation
> Biology, UCT), Dipl. Phys. (Germany)
> Centre of Excellence for Invasion Biology
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> Skype:          RMkrug
> Google:         R.M.Krug at gmail.com
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