[Qgis-user] masuring area

Julio Cesar Canales DElgadillo cadj0506 at yahoo.com.mx
Tue Mar 8 07:17:29 PST 2011

Hi there,

I have some polygon layers in lat-long system WGS84. I'm trying to measure the 
polygons' area but I'm getting squared degrees instead hectares. Somebody knows 
how to solve it?
Also, apparently I have something miss in the GDAL tools libraries because when 
I try to use them I get (always) an error message and not a single of the tools 
is working. Do you know some way to identify the source of failure?

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards 
 Biól.MCF. Julio César Canales Delgadillo.
Barbarastr. 11
Fachbereich 5 Biologie/Chemie
Universität Osnabrück
49076 Osnabrück
Phone: +(49) 0541 969 3803
Movil: +(49) 0152 043 87082
Alternative E-mail: julio.delgadillo at biologie.uni-osnabrueck.de 

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