[Qgis-user] regarding creating a stored connection

Tali Neta talineta at gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 08:01:19 PDT 2012

*I am trying to create a stored connection. First, I added a vector layer,
them checked the database. To access the connection, I clicked on the New
button to display the "Create a new OGR database connection". After filling
out the Host, database, and port information, I pressed the "test connect"
button, and an error occurred  "Connection failed - Check settings and try
again. **Extended error information:**Unable to initialize ODBC connection
to DSN for \\reddc.nrcb.gov.ab.ca\userdirs$\tneta\GIS DataBase,
Driver Manager] Invalid string or buffer length"*
*I was wondering if someone could help me with this.*
*Thanks so much!*
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