[Qgis-user] Grid creation and export data to *.asc

Luciano La Sala lucianolasala at yahoo.com.ar
Fri Dec 21 07:30:45 PST 2012

Hello Folks, 

Sorry to re-send but I got no response and I am not sure why. If my question
was not clear I can always rewrite it. Luciano 

Hello QGIS users, 

I have a raster image of human population counts (LandScan) of approximately
1 km resolution. I need to take each cell of the raster one by one and
retrieve the population count for that cell. 
To do this, I was told to create a grid theme of population density - based
on the grid themes specifying population counts and area.
Export population count and population density files from ArcView to *.asc

I am not sure how to create the grid nor how to export pop count and density
files to *.asc. Any tips? Thank you in advance! 

Luciano La Sala
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