[Qgis-user] GRASS & GRASS plugin

Chavoux Luyt chavoux at gmail.com
Sun Jul 1 04:38:24 PDT 2012

Hi guys

I know this is probably in a tutorial somewhere, so in that case if you can
just give the link I will appreciate it. :-)
I have two questions on GRASS and the GRASS plugin. (BTW, I had downgrade
my GRASS installation to get it to work with the latest qGIS on Debian
Squeeze - is this a bug?).
1. Is there a way to simply "import" all the open (qGIS) layers (geotiff
raster & shape vector) into the current GRASS region without duplicating
them or will I need to copy them to the right GRASS directory? (currently a
subdirectory in my qGIS project directory). I created a GRASS region that
is basically the same as the current visible area of my qGIS project.
2. Do I have access to all the GRASS command via the GRASS plugin, or will
I have to open GRASS itself for detailed analysis?

Thanks in advance
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