[Qgis-user] R through SEXTANTE Plugin

ALT SHN i.geografica at alt-shn.org
Wed Jul 11 08:22:09 PDT 2012

Hello list!

I'm having a hard time configuring R in SEXTANTE for Quantum GIS (Win7

I have R installed, and also packages "SP" and "RGDAL" on*
I don't know if I'm still missing some component, but assuming all I need
is installed, I'm not getting  the correct folder configurations . This is
what I have:

*Scripts Folder:* *C:\Users\Andre\Documents\New folder\r\scripts*
*R folder*: *C:\Program Files\R\R-2.15.1\bin\x64*

Are this configurations correct? If so any hint of what might be missing?

Thank you in advance,

Best regards,

Associação Leonel Trindade

Apartado 25 2564-909 Torres Vedras Portugal
Sede e Biblioteca: rua Cavaleiros da Espora Dourada, 27A 2560 Torres Vedras

Laboratório de Paleontologia e Paleoecologia: Polígono Industrial do Alto
do Ameal 2565-641 Ramalhal
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