[Qgis-user] Reading of large SQLite files

Jonathan Moules jonathanmoules at warwickshire.gov.uk
Fri Sep 7 04:44:55 PDT 2012

Hi list,
I have a large, ~9.5GB SQLite file (its FDO rather than SpatiaLite; I'm
aware the later is preferred but FME 2012 doesn't write to them). My
problem is that just adding it seems to be a massive task for QGIS.

The database has 6 tables in it with a total of about 28.8 million features.

I do the following:
Add Vector Layer -> select file -> Click Ok.

QGIS now spends the next 9 minutes thrashing my hard disk.

I then get the "select the layers you want to add" box pop up. I select all
the layers. QGIS then spends another 6 minutes thrashing my hard drive
before the first layer is added (I've already turned off "rendering" so
there's no possiblity of drawing anything) - this layer having about
20million features.
Finally, 10 minutes after selecting the layers I want, and 20 minutes after
I first clicked "add file", the layers are loaded to QGIS.

Conversely, SQLiteStudio can detect there are six tables instantly. A
"select count(*) from TABLENAME" takes about 6 seconds to run against the
largest table (19,945,139 features). Thats all the information thats
required for the "select vector layers to add" apart from geometry "type"
which is a simple query to the geometry_columns table. And again, that's
just to get to the "select layers" page.

So; should QGIS be taking this long to load a SQLite file? Is this a known

Panning around and actually using it is also a no-go for the largest layer,
I guess because this format doesn't have spatial indexing (they're built
dynamically). This I can understand, I'm just a bit confused as to why it
takes to long to load in the first place.

Any thoughts?


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