[Qgis-user] new labelling method and rotation scale

j.allain at agglo-paysflers.fr j.allain at agglo-paysflers.fr
Mon Sep 10 00:09:56 PDT 2012


I know that the columns are stored in the data, but i thought the modification allowed by the labelling method didn't affect the data. I was wrong.
Everything looks ok


 no - it won't grow your .qgs file, as the columns are stored in your 
 data. The .qgs file only references the data and stores the setting 
 (e.g. which layers, which fonts to use, which data columns contain which 
 text properties).

 The maximum scale should be respected, if it doesn't please file a bug 
 report. Note that there are two places where to set min/max scales: in 
 the layer itself (for the geometry loading) and in the label settings. 
 If the max scale of the layer is smaller then the max scale of the label 
 properties, the layer scale setting has precedence. Only features that 
 are loaded can be labeled.


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