[Qgis-user] SEXTANTE installation problem

José Pedro Santos zpsantos1 at hotmail.com
Wed Apr 10 08:29:18 PDT 2013

Hi, you must activate the application in your options. I never use 1.9 but probably you have to activate in the option "Manage Plugins" and then go to the option analysis. 
Uninstall the plugin and install again. 
I hope I have helped. 

José Santos 

From: mpaolo at unipv.it
To: qgis-user at lists.osgeo.org
Date: Wed, 10 Apr 2013 15:48:33 +0200
Subject: [Qgis-user] SEXTANTE installation problem



my name’s Paolo and I’m a new user for
this list.

I’m working with QGis 1.9.0. master.

After the last update of QGIS the status of SEXTANTE
plugin is as installed

but its toolbox doesn’t appear in QGis.

When I try to reinstall the plugin I receive this
message from the system:


The plugin is corrupt. Python Message:

Cannot import name LoadFromAlg


Some of you may kindly suggest me anything about this


Thank you in advance.


Paolo Marchese





Geom.Paolo Marchese (mpaolo at unipv.it)

Tecnico Geomatico


Università di Pavia

DICAR - Lab. di Geomatica

Via Ferrata, 1

27100 Pavia PV - Italy

Tel:  +39 0382 985416 (diretto)

Tel:  +39 0382 985400/401/420 (segreteria)

Fax:  +39 0382 985419





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