[Qgis-user] error_ R_home range

Michael Treglia mtreglia at gmail.com
Fri Dec 5 09:34:32 PST 2014

Reviving this thread... I was running into similar issues, despite having
the necessary packages installed.   Trying to provide useful info for
others who run into this.

I went into the processing "History and Log" to look at the "R execution
console output" for error messages and and ran the same code directly in R
to troubleshoot.

Seems that the message below message is the standard given when R scripts
using adehabitatHR don't run successfully.

"The script you have executed needs the following packages:

   - adehabitatHR

Make sure they are installed in your R environment before trying to execute
this script."
Looks like I had a couple of issues going on. If my interpretation of what
was going on is mistaken, please feel free to correct.

1) The field name I was using for the Minimum Convex Polygon had spaces in
it; when the script runs in R, the spaces in column names get replaced with
a '.', so R doesn't find the same field name as specified in QGIS/the
original attribute table.

2) I did not have sufficient points for one of my groups, so the algorithm
couldn't actually compute an MCP for that group and thus failed to
complete. If you do a Feature Subset to remove categories without
sufficient numbers of points (in the Layer Properties), this works because
R is looking at a Temp file that excludes the specified data points.

I hope this helps others, and if I'm missing something, please let me know.

Best regards,

On Wed, Oct 29, 2014 at 8:34 AM, Sergio Vignali <vignalisergio30 at gmail.com>

> Hi Emiliano,
> Have you installed adehabitatHR package?
> all the best
> Sergio
> 2014-10-29 14:30 GMT+01:00 Emiliano Manzo <emiliano.manzo at ethoikos.it>:
>> Hi
>> i have tried to use R home range, i have installed adhabitat on R and
>> after i had tried to run h kernel but i received this error message and i
>> don’t know what i can do.
>> I used Mac os X Qgis 2.4
>> Oooops! The following output layers could not be open
>>    - Home_ranges:
>>    /var/folders/zw/bp2757r12_s4_rryzp2fjblw0000gn/T/processing/eb692106bf2b4c75b891f7cd3a67c6bc/Homeranges.shp
>> The above files could not be opened, which probably indicates that they
>> were not correctly produced by the executed algorithm
>> Checking the log information might help you see why those layers were not
>> created as expected
>> This algorithm requires R to be run. A test to check if R is correctly
>> installed and configured in your system has been performed, with the
>> following result:
>> R seems to be correctly installed and configured
>> The script you have executed needs the following packages:
>>    - adehabitatHR
>> Make sure they are installed in your R environment before trying to
>> execute this script.
>> Is anybody can help me?
>> Thank you
>> Emiliano
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> --
> Sergio Vignali
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