[Qgis-user] A discussion: is qgis still affordable in Europe if it violate the Inspire directive ?

Maurizio Trevisani maurizio.trevisani at gmail.com
Sat Jun 7 11:34:07 PDT 2014

If Qgis-server and Qgis choose not to be compliant with OGC standards,
they are prone to be abandoned from every Public Administration.

I think this is an important question to consider before proceeding in
developing Qgis and Qgis server as "not OGC compliant" products.


2014-06-07 20:19 GMT+02:00, Andrea Peri <aperi2007 at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> AFAIK the qgis server is not complaint with Inspire.
> This beacausethe Response to GetCapabilities is not responding to the
> requisite that the OGC will require for it.
> Originally the qgis was simply generate an incompatible response for the
> XSD of OGC.
> The response is ncompatible for thre thinks:
> 1) the GetCapabilities is in the wrong namespace.
> This is a silly question anc could be easily resolved.
> 2)
> The presence of the GetStyle that is dismissed from OGC wms 1.3.0.
> Please notice that the Inspire require the WMS 1.3.0 .
> To resolve this the QGIS groups has copied the XSD of OGC and modifica it
> to redirect to a different XSD not in the OGC site.
> 3) The presence of a Proprietary tag inserted without any reference to any
> standard.
> The GetPrint.
> This is not present in any other product.
> My question is for any person of a Public Administration that plan or are
> funding QGIS.
> In Europe the Inspire directive will ask to promove the Interoperability.
> The interoperability strategy ask that every produc that allow the inspire
> directive will speak the same language using the same tags and
> functionality.
> The QGIS solution to add a proprietary tag and to write a own different xsd
> that overlap the standard OGC xsd will create the presuppost (AFAIK) to
> vilate the Inspire directive.
> If this is true A Public Administration should not use the QGIS.
> This is a realproblem for us that invest many fund on qgis.
> So I like toknow the opinion of other public administration.
> Before still fund a product that seem to violate the Inspire directive
> principles.
> Thx,
> --
> -----------------
> Andrea Peri
> . . . . . . . . .
> qwerty àèìòù
> -----------------

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