[Qgis-user] MySQL Layer do not draw with Valmiera/Ubuntugis, but works with Valmiera/Windows

Marco Manfredini ml at phoyd.net
Wed Jun 18 04:13:43 PDT 2014

I've hit into a problem with MySQL Layers when using QGIS-Valmiera from 
the ubuntugis-stable ppa. Step to reproduce it on my machine:

Take any dataset, like this (free, in ESRI Shape Format):


Import to MySQL:

$ ogr2ogr -f MySQL 
ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp  -update -overwrite -lco ENGINE=MyISAM

Now I can easily open the resulting layer as a database vector layer, 
when I'm using the stand-alone QGIS Valmiera for Windows fetched from 
the official QGIS Site (Windows 7/amd64).

But - When I'm on Ubuntu 12.04, then QGIS Valmiea from the 
ubuntugis-stable ppa does this:

I add the layer from mysql - nothing is drawn to the map. The attribute 
table is populated with correct values. Zooming to the layer's extend 
gives me correct values.

The invisible layer can be exported using Layer|Save As.. (for example 
as GeoJSON)

The GeoJSON can be added again to the map and the GeoJSON layer displays 

When I turn the the GeoJSON layer off now, then (in half of the cases) 
the MySQL layer suddenly draws correctly and keeps drawing as expected 
until I terminate the program. However, when I save the map and load it 
into a new QGIS session, then the MySQL layer is dead again.

Any ideas? This is a bit frustrating.

- Marco

$ uname -a
Linux oblomow 3.8.0-42-generic #62~precise1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jun 4 
22:04:18 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux

Stuff from "Help|About":

QGIS-Version	2.2.0-Valmiera	QGIS-Codeversion	exported
Kompiliert gegen Qt	4.8.1	Laufendes Qt	4.8.2
Kompiliert mit GDAL/OGR	1.10.0	Läuft mit GDAL/OGR	1.10.0
Kompiliert mit GEOS	3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8	Läuft mit GEOS	3.3.8-CAPI-1.7.8
PostgreSQL-Client-Version	9.1.11	SpatiaLite-Version	4.1.0
QWT-Version	5.2.2	PROJ.4-Version	480

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