[Qgis-user] QGIS not displaying MSSQL Server 4326 Geography polygons

Carlos da Ponte cdaponte at sustainableelements.ca
Tue May 27 09:57:53 PDT 2014

Hi all,
When I draw a polygon in QGIS into a 4326 geography MSSQL Server layer and
press save the shape disappears, but when I check the database the shape is
there and is Valid.  When I manually insert a polygon into the MSSQL Server
layer through Management Studio, the shape shows up in QGIS, however when I
create a new shape in QGIS for the same layer the shape is saved but when I
make it the active record QGIS highlights the shape I manually entered via
Management Studio :|  Creating and saving shapes into a 4326 GEOMETRY layer
from MSSQL Server works perfectly fine.

I am using a geometry_columns table (as created by ogr2ogr when I imported a
.shp file into MSSQL Server) and have added the layer I'm adding to it with
the appropriate attributes, and I checked the spatial ref table entry for
4326 to make sure it is defined correctly, which it is.  I'm using QGIS 2.2

Completely stumped

View this message in context: http://osgeo-org.1560.x6.nabble.com/QGIS-not-displaying-MSSQL-Server-4326-Geography-polygons-tp5142783.html
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