[Qgis-user] Google Satellite and Measure line tool wrong results

Marco marco.brignoli at marcobaldo.ch
Sun Jul 5 16:19:11 PDT 2015

Hello all.

I just noticed that the "Measure line" tool is returning a distance
measurement that is dependent from the zoom level when I'm using the
Google satellite plugin. (increasing the zoom level results in a shorter

This is of course wrong, and the question is whether or not this could
be related to my setup or it is just a bug.

Tnx for help in advance.


QGIS version    2.9.0-Master               QGIS code revision    exported
Compiled against Qt    4.8.6               Running against Qt    4.8.6
Compiled against GDAL/OGR    1.11.2        Running against GDAL/OGR   
Compiled against GEOS    3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2  Running against GEOS   
3.4.2-CAPI-1.8.2 r3921
PostgreSQL Client Version    9.3.6         SpatiaLite Version    4.2.0
QWT Version    5.2.3                       PROJ.4 Version    491
QScintilla2 Version    2.8.2

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