[Qgis-user] Installing QGIS 2.10 with Ubuntugis unstable dependencies

Andre Joost andre+joost at nurfuerspam.de
Wed Jul 8 11:33:43 PDT 2015

Am 08.07.2015 um 10:00 schrieb Filipe Dias:
> Hi,
> I have these repositories active and working but when I install qgis (sudo
> apt-get install qgis python-qgis) I'm still getting QGIS 2.8.1:

This is the expected behaviour. If you look at

You will find only the 2.8.1 package.

The dev people have encountered some serious regression in QGIS 2.10.0. 
Until that is fixed, there will be no more packaging, and the QGIS 
homepage still announces version 2.8.2 as current, and 2.10 as the 
release candidate.

Personally, I prefer to stick to the old version until the bugfix.

André Joost

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