[Qgis-user] QGIS 2.10.1 adding PostGIS Views

James Keener jim at jimkeener.com
Tue Sep 1 08:45:16 PDT 2015

I'm not saying the old behaviour is correct.

I'm saying the new behavior isn't friendly to non expert users. Loading from a database is no more difficult than loading a shapefile in most cases. I have clients and students do it quite often and "windowing function" means nothing and "primary key" is only a vague notion.

Please don't just accept a broken ui because its something _you think_ only "relatively advanced" users will use.

Moving towards a solution: how would people feel about a window appearing after selecting a view specifically asking which field to use (if one wasn't selected in the initial drop down). Alternatively, moving the in-row drop down to the beginning of the row so that small window sizes don't cut it off, and putting a yellow warning on it to draw attention. 


On September 1, 2015 11:36:09 AM EDT, Andreas Neumann <a.neumann at carto.net> wrote:
>I would regard the loading of layers from a database something 
>"relatively advanced". Normally I prepare ready to use QGIS project to 
>my users who edit and query our GIS data where they don't have to
>with loading layers.
>But you are correct that it can be different persons - the one who 
>creates the view and the ones who are loading them.
>You are welcome to improve the situation/GUI, but please don't go back 
>to the old behavior where it is an assumption that the first column in 
>the list is always the primary key.
>On 01.09.2015 14:51, James Keener wrote:
>> Why are you assuming the user who created the view is the one using
>> Jim
>> On 09/01/2015 08:50 AM, Andreas Neumann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I agree with Jürgen - better let the user choose the pkey column. If
>>> user knows how to create a Postgis View he also knows how to select
>>> primary key column.
>>> Andreas
>>> On 01.09.2015 14:37, Jürgen E. Fischer wrote:
>>>> Hi Sandro,
>>>> On Tue, 01. Sep 2015 at 13:48:33 +0200, Sandro Santilli wrote:
>>>>> I agree with Luca this should have been better not backported to
>>>>> Only proper bugs should be backported, and this was a (debatable)
>>>>> GUI enhancement, as far as I can tell.
>>>> We intend to only backport fixes and not bugs. ;)
>>>> You were always supposed to select the key column - preselecting
>the first
>>>> column was the bug (also debatable).  And #11317 is a ticket that
>>>> there were unaware users.
>>>> That the first column often happens to be the primary key and and
>the combobox
>>>> is not lexically sorted is somewhat pure luck - and unless you
>avoid having the
>>>> key verified (using "use estimated metadata"), keeping a wrongly
>>>> column will make the layer to insert invalid.
>>>> But I agree that the tooltip that you get on disabled lines (not
>only for the
>>>> key selection, but also geometry type and srid) might not be
>visible enough
>>>> (but that IMHO would be just a GUI enhancement).
>>>> Jürgen
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Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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