[Qgis-user] working with rasters

Geraud C. Tasse geraudtasse at yahoo.fr
Mon Apr 11 01:19:17 PDT 2016

Hi, I intend to perform an ENM for the puddle frog Phrynobatrachus auritus. I got a set of raster layers from worldclim that I clipped with a mask of my study area. I performed a PCA on them before putting them together with other rasters to run the ENM. Unfortunately, the layers do no more fit to each other and I keep receiving an error message from Maxent. I am thinking to create another raster for each of layer with a bigger extend and drop the data into the new layer before clipping it again with the mask, however I can not figure out how to create raster in QGIS. Please can someone share hi/her experience with me?ThanksGeraud   --
Geraud C. T. Tasse, M.Sc.Graduate Research FellowLaboratory for Biodiversity and Conservation Biology
Department of Zoology and Animal Physiology
University of Buea
P.O.Box 320 Buea, Cameroon
Tel: (237) 676 558 991Lab: (237) 233 323 225
Skype: geraudtasseAlternative e-mail: g.tasse at ubuea.cm
web page :http://www.caballiance.org/students.html("The love for all living creatures is the most noble attribute of man." ~ Charles Darwin!)
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