[Qgis-user] Simplest QGIS Web Client

Edi Piqoni edi.piqoni at idra.al
Mon Apr 18 01:21:32 PDT 2016

Hi everybody,

I have some QGIS files and I want to serve them, so a browser can open them.
What is the current best solution (I see *QGIS-Web-Client 
<https://github.com/qgis/QGIS-Web-Client>* but its last update is on 
June 11, 2014, and I was wondering if that is what everyone is using or 
whether there are other alternatives?)

I've used leaflet.js before, but I was looking for a solution that would 
allow me to drop the files in some folder and serve them automatically, 
without too much programming involved.

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