[Qgis-user] Library for data sources

Reginald Carlier Reginald.Carlier at ingelmunster.be
Wed Aug 3 00:51:19 PDT 2016

Hello list,

Does anybody know if there is a plugin that adds a library to the QGIS userinterface?
I'm looking for a library of data sources (shapes, databasetables, WMS, csv) that one regularly uses, so you don't have to fetch them from your harddisk or open the database manager.
I have attached a screenshot of a plugin for a library I use in Arcmap.


Reginald Carlier
Deskundige GIS


Gemeente Ingelmunster, Oostrozebekestraat 4, 8770 Ingelmunster
T +32 51 33 74 39 www.ingelmunster.be<http://www.ingelmunster.be>

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