[Qgis-user] Find and filter points within a variable radius

Alexandre Neto senhor.neto at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 06:12:29 PDT 2016

You can easily do that using SQL.

Since QGIS 2.14 you can create Virtual Layers based on SQL Queries to load
layers on your canvas. I believe using the following query will work:

select t.origin_gid, t.target_gid, t.target_value, t.geometry
(Select f.gid as origin_gid, g.gid as target_gid, g.value as target_value,
FROM layer_1 as f, layer_1 as g
WHERE f.gid >= g.gid and st_within(g.geometry, st_buffer(f.geometry,
ORDER BY f.gid, g.value ASC) as t
group by t.origin_gid

Alexandre Neto

Niccolò Marchi <sciurusurbanus at hotmail.it> escreveu no dia sexta,
12/08/2016 às 12:24:

> Hi all,
> I have a set of projected spatial points (id, x, y, dist, value) that
> needs to be filtered. For each point I have to find the other ones falling
> within a variable distance. For each selection, I need only the one with
> the maximum value or, if duplicated, keeping just one.
> I tried to check the available tools and I found out what follows:
> -          A simpler possibility would be to use the “Select by
> expression”, but I’m not that familiar with the syntax and I ended up with
> [clearly non-working]: CASE WHEN distance($currentfeature)<”dist” THEN
> max(“value”) END
> -          Another possibility would be to improve the following R code,
> available online (thanks to the author)
> Any (R, Python, else) suggestion?
> ##Layer=vector
> ##ID=Field Layer
> ##distance= Field Layer
> ##Output= output vector
> library(rgeos)
> library(sp)
> library(spdep)
> coordi <- as.matrix(coordinates(Layer))
> tram_nb <- dnearneigh(coordi, d1 = 0, d2 = distance,row.names=Layer[[ID]])
> tram_nb<-as.data.frame(card(tram_nb))
> tram<-cbind(as.vector(Layer[[ID]]), tram_nb)
> Coord<-cbind()
> n<-length(Layer[[ID]])
> for(i in 1:n){
>    if (tram[i,2]!=0 ){ Coord <-rbind(Coord,cbind(coordi[i,1], coordi[i,2],as.vector(Layer[[ID]])[i]))
> }
> }
> x<-as.numeric(Coord[,1])
> y<-as.numeric(Coord[,2])
> X<-cbind(x,y)
> matrix<-as.matrix(X)
> matrix<-SpatialPointsDataFrame(matrix,as.data.frame(Coord),proj4string=CRS(Layer))
> Output=matrix
> Thank you in advance for your help!
> All the best,
> Nic
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Alexandre Neto
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