[Qgis-user] style files

Alex M tech_dev at wildintellect.com
Thu Feb 18 14:15:27 PST 2016

Please keep conversation on list.

So did you try saving 1 style per table to the db? I don't think there's
any benefit to the shapefile route. Now if you want to create the style
once, and then copy it for each table, that might be a little trickier
but probably possible with a little bit of crafty SQL. Or the manual
way, copy style - paste style - save style.


On 02/18/2016 02:13 PM, Kyle T. Kouri wrote:
> So I have been experimenting for past few days.  Save as default does not seem
> to work with one file and multiple tables.  But once i go to lets say a shape
> file that has one table it works perfect.  I think I am stuck at having a bunch
> of shape files instead of one DB file with multiple tables.
> On Thu, Feb 18, 2016 04:25 PM, Alex M <tech_dev at wildintellect.com> wrote:
> On 02/18/2016 12:44 PM, Kyle T. Kouri wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I have a spatial lite db file that has 15 tables in it.  I am trying to
>> figure
>>> out a way to create style files for each table and then when ever I open
>> this
>>> the styles are saved with it.  Right now I have to open one at a a time for
>>> each table in the spatial lite DB.  My goal is to have multiple .sl3 db
>> files
>>> with the same tables (different data) for each of the national
>> parks in the
>>> USA.  But when I send the data out people can just open up the .sl3 file in
>>> QGIS and see the style the way I want set it.  So they dont also have to
>> load
>>> all the .qml or .sld files. 
>>> Kyle Todd Kouri
>> This is the closest thing I know of
>> https://pvanb.wordpress.com/2014/05/15/saving-layer-styles-to-your-spatialite-database/
>> I was wondering what would happen if you had multiple styles for the
>> same layer, and I think the Save as Default style box is the key there.
>> Otherwise I would save QGIS projects, and send the project file with the
>> data, and tell users to open the projects.
>> You could potentially write a plugin that does the autoloading of
>> associated styles and tables too.
>> Enjoy,
>> Alex
> Kyle Todd Kouri

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