[Qgis-user] Inability to update map in Print Composer window.

Philip Condit philipmcondit at gmail.com
Sun Feb 21 17:18:26 PST 2016

I created a map in my Print Composer window.  Three weeks later, I decided
to update that map.  I added 3 new layers to the main QGIS window.  Each
layer contained a circular building, each with a different radius.  The
layers pointed to shapefiles named roundbldgs1, roundbldgs2, and
roundbldgs3, respectively.  I then combined all of those layers into one
layer that pointed to only the roundbldgs3 shapefile.  I then used my file
manager to change the name of that shapefile to roundbldgs.  I changed the
name to roundbldgs for all 5 extensions used by the shapefile (.shp, .shx,
.dbf, .prj and .qpj).  The layer containing the 3 round buildings now
points to the roundbldgs shapefile.

However, even though the 3 new buildings show up in the main QGIS window,
they do not appear in the Print Composer.  I unlocked all of the items in
the map that I created in my Print Composer window (even though I didn't
think that was really necessary), and then clicked on the Refresh icon; but
the map did not change.  In the past, when I updated something in the main
QGIS window, I would only need to click on Refresh to have those changes
reflected in my Print Composer window.  I then tried creating a duplicate
Print Composer map, and then clicking on Refresh; but the duplicate Print
Composer map did not change either
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