[Qgis-user] OSGeo Account

Sandro Santilli strk at kbt.io
Wed Jun 15 04:56:46 PDT 2016

On Wed, Jun 15, 2016 at 08:20:30AM +0200, Alessandro Pasotti wrote:
> This "mantra" thing doesn't seem to be very intuitive and even less
> professional.

I think it is intuitive, there are just not enough responsive
people on IRC to give the mantra to those who come to request
one (most of them come from QGIS, which is a good sign of project
health, btw).

Professional ? Maybe not, not from a system operations point of view.

> Is there any chance that a CAPTCHA or other more common patterns can be
> used in that signup page?

The mantra thing was supposed to be a temporary measure.
Now that we have better antispam measures in place it could be
removed, but I find getting to meet new users early on IRC to
be very instructive. This time I suggested Christian to use the
list in case he wouldn't get a reponse soon. What I'm trying to do
is to make project members in charge of distributing the mantra to
users coming for their project. Richard knows how, and can share
the instructions to others in the team.

> It's supposed to be the entry point for many of QGIS related services after
> all, even if I start thinking that moving towards other simpler SSO would
> be advisable at this point.

Whatever SSO you'd use there's always an initial registration to be
performed. I think making services more "flexible" to accept different
kind of authentications would be nice (first and foremost I'd like to see
OpenID implemented), but it is not the SSO being "hard" here, just the
OSGeo registration process (intentionally so).

I plan to drop the mantra barrier within a month or so.
Please remember that before the mantra the user registration was
just CLOSED, and nobody came to ask anything because there was
no pointer to reach out to the project members or sysadmin.
At least now there's a communication channel open. I'll try to
avoid sending people to the list, but please help with sharing
the mantra (other recently registered users can further spread it).


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