[Qgis-user] 2nd Int. QGIS Conference and 10as Jornadas de SIG Libre: Programs online!

LluĂ­s Vicens lluis at sigte.udg.es
Fri Mar 18 12:15:03 PDT 2016

Dear all,

We are pleased to announce the publication of the program of the 
presentations [1] and workshops [2] for the 2nd International QGIS Users 
and Developers Conference that will take place in Girona from 25th to 
26th May 2016.

We take this opportunity to recall that it is already open the 
registration form [3] to attend the conference. Hope you'll find it 

Best regards,

[3] http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/en/inscripcion/

*Local Organizing Committee*
10as Jornadas de SIG Libre
2nd International QGIS User and Developer Conference
Pl. Ferrater Mora 1
17071 Girona
infojornadas at sigte.org <mailto:infojornadas at sigte.org>

Web site: http://www.sigte.udg.edu/jornadassiglibre/en/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/SIGLibreGirona<http://twitter.com/SIGTE_UDG>

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