[Qgis-user] A qgis2web, or maybe openlayers, question on displaying feature attribute of WMS data

Kuan Song songkuan at yahoo.com
Tue May 17 19:36:35 PDT 2016

Dear community,
I love the qgis2web tool. It almost offers everything I need... with one tiny exception.
When I publish a dataset using this tool, sometimes I can click a feature on the map and view the feature attributes, sometimes I can't. If the dataset is a shapefile, then qgis2web basically converts it to a geojson file, and provides the view feature attributes capability. But if the dataset comes from a WMS source, then qgis2web cannot click and query the feature.
As I experimented along the way, the wms option is much faster than the geojson option. I wish to learn how to enable the click-and-query feature attributes. Can someone teach me? Thanks!

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