[Qgis-user] FOSS4G 2017 - Call for Workshops

Randal Hale rjhale at northrivergeographic.com
Tue Jan 24 11:17:47 PST 2017

For those of you who don’t yet know, FOSS4G 2017 will be held in Boston, 
MA on August 14-19. Please visit the website for conference details : 
http://2017.foss4g.org/ . As a member of the workshop committee - I 
encourage you to submit a workshop.

*Workshop info:*

  * Workshops will be held on August 14th and 15th at the Harvard Center
    for Geographic Analysis (CGA) in Cambridge, MA
  * Workshops are scheduled in 4 hour blocks, but a limited number of
    full-day (8 hr.) workshops will be considered
  * Compensation for a 4 hour workshop is $650, which is the cost of an
    Early-Bird registration for FOSS4G
  * Workshops will be BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) for attendees. FOSS4G
    will provide bootable OSGeo Live USB sticks and remote desktop
    access to cloud-hosted machines.
  * In the past, workshops have included topics related to the
    following, but the committee is open to other topics that are
    relevant to the FOSS4G community and will generate interest :
      o QGIS/PyQGIS
      o PostGIS
      o GeoServer
      o MapServer
      o Web Mapping
      o GRASS GIS
      o GDAL/OGR CLI Tools
      o pgRouting
      o Using OSGeoLive
      o GeoPython
      o GvSig
      o Aerial Mapping and Point Clouds/LIDAR/Photogrammetry
      o Using open source GIS in a cloud environment

*Important Dates:
*Call for Workshops Closed: March 13, 2017
Workshop Selections Announced: March 20, 2017
Detailed Workshop Program: April 3, 2017
Workshops Take Place at Harvard: August 14/15, 2017

Here is a link to the workshop page for the submission form and further 
details: http://2017.foss4g.org/workshops/

Randal Hale
North River Geographic Systems, Inc
423.653.3611 rjhale at northrivergeographic.com

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