[Qgis-user] QGIS3 importing from ARCGIS with custom coordinate in arc.

Basques, Bob (CI-StPaul) bob.basques at ci.stpaul.mn.us
Mon Apr 16 10:38:12 PDT 2018


I have to connect QGIS3 to a ARCGIS server.

Using the ArcGisFeatureServer connector:

 I can see the catalog just fine, but when I try to add a layer I get the “AFSProvidor Could Not Parse Spatial Reference” error.

I successfully added the Custom layer on the Arc Server to QGIS with a custom EPSG, but how to I get QGIS and Arcserver to agree on a title for the projection?  The “Spatial Refence” on the arc server is the actual PROJCS line.  Do I need to use this as the name in QGIS?



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