[Qgis-user] Working with irregular magnetometry data points - converting them to an image

Richard McDonnell richard.mcdonnell at opw.ie
Fri Apr 20 09:42:09 PDT 2018

Hi Calvin

One solution would be to use GDAL, a script like the following (single 
quotes (-a_nodata '-9999') for Linux, I believe)

*gdal_rasterize -a "reading" -a_srs "EPSG:*/your_srs/*//**" -a_nodata 
"-9999" -ot "Float32" -of "GTiff" -tr 2 2 -co "COMPRESS=LZW" input.shp 

That should interpolate the points to a grid for you!

It can also be batched, an example of a windows batch for the above would be

//mkdir rasters//
//for %%f in ("*2m.shp") do gdal_rasterize -a "reading" -a_srs 
"//*your_srs*//" -a_nodata "-9999" -ot "Float32" -of "GTiff" -tr 2 2 -co 
"COMPRESS=LZW" "%%~nxf" "rasters/%%~nf.tif" //

just save it as a *.bat file for example magnetometry.bat

Hope this helps,


On 20/04/2018 16:42, C Hamilton wrote:
> I don't know how many of you have worked with archaeological 
> magnetormetry data, but I have been asked to help with magnetometry 
> data of the ancient Mound Builders in North America. I am looking for 
> some suggestion on how to best turn the irregular magnetic data points 
> into an image.
> I see an Interpolation plugin that perhaps is the solution, but I also 
> see that it is not part of QGIS 3. Is this because it has not been 
> ported yet, or is not going to be porter, or is there a better solution?
> I don't know if any of the Lidar tools would work for this or not. 
> LASTools is a commercial product and the locked version only works 
> with small data sets and adds noise unless you purchase a license. At 
> least that is how it was the last time I used it.
> Thanks for any suggestions.
> Calvin
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*_Richard McDonnell_*
*GIS Specialist PgD GIS AssocSCSI*
*OPW FRM Data Management*
*52 Stephens Green, Dublin 2.*
TEL: 01 6476543

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