[Qgis-user] QGIS SERVER 3.4.2 - download WFS GetFeature result as Shapefile

umbertofilippo umbertofilippo at tiscali.it
Thu Dec 13 05:30:30 PST 2018

Hello All,

I am trying to find a way to download the features from a WFS coming from a
QGIS SERVER I own as Shapefile format.

The Capabilities are these:

>From those, I can see the "outputFormat" of the "GetFeature" request looks
like this:

<ows:Parameter name="outputFormat"><ows:Value>text/xml;

, so I guess I cannot do something like "&outputFormat=Shapefile".
Is there a way I can retrieve my data as Shapefile (most likely downloading
it as a zipped file)? Is it possible to do it somewhere in the server
configurations, or should I implement it myself?

Any help would be very appreciated. Thanks!


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