[Qgis-user] Iterating two layers in Report - QGIS 3.2

Carlos Cerdán sig.upagu at gmail.com
Tue Jul 3 07:48:56 PDT 2018

Hi list

I would like to make a report (atlas) iterating two layers where:

1. Layer of level 2 administrative boundary is iterated (with atlas
feature) and shows it as a no filled polygon, with out label;  and else
polygons as white filled with labels;  and

2. Layer of administrative level 3 boundary is iterated too (with atlas
feature), and shows labels only in polygons that are intersected or are
within the active level 2 boundary.

How can be this done in QGIS 3.2? I was succsefull in QGIS 2.18, but now it
doesn't work. I've tryed rules as:

 intersects(@atlas_geometry,$geometry )

contains(geometry(@atlas_feature),centroid( $geometry ) ) is true

but nothing.

I'm tring this because of non desired labels of level 3 boundary. One
solutiion is using white labels that are fused with white polygons of level
2 boundary... but it is plan B.

Any advice please?


Carlos Cerdan
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