[Qgis-user] CRS was undefined: defaulting to CRS EPSG:4326 - WGS 84

Nicolas Cadieux nicolas.cadieux at archeotec.ca
Thu Jul 19 04:34:49 PDT 2018

You can simply left or right click the layer in the layer panel and define the layer CRS.  What you are seing is not an error but your default option to do when your Qgis tries to open a file that does not contain a CRS.  You can go to your system setting to the section on “what to do when opening a file without a CRS.”  Select “ask” and not “use default CRS or use project CRS “.

Shp files (I guess you are using that format) uses a .prj extension file for the CRS.  If that file is missing, you will have that message.

> Le 19 juill. 2018 à 00:09, Andrew Davies <tazdronesolutions at gmail.com> a écrit :
> I am in Tasmania, Australia which is CRS EPSG: 28355 - MDA94 / MGA Zone 55 
> When opening a contour vector file which has been generated in the local CRS on Drone Deploy I am getting the following error:
> CRS was undefined: defaulting to CRS EPSG:4326 - WGS 84
> I am running QGIS 2.18.21 Las Palmas which was working fine for a while.
> All I had done leading up to this error was open a raster DEM file and try to extract contours for the DEM. The extraction lagged out and I reset my laptop.
> I have deleted an Reinstalled with no luck. 
> Kind regards. 
> Andrew
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