[Qgis-user] query SQLand Proyects QSGIS - Saved

Pablo J. Zader pzader at gmail.com
Wed May 22 14:33:47 PDT 2019

Hi list

I am trying to leave the SQL queries that I created in QGIS and to
persist in successive
QGIS openings and closings. The way I found, was to save the QGIS project. Now,
the question I have is: Is there any way to export the project with
SQL queries and then
open everything in another QGIS installation?

Thanks in advanced


Pablo J. Zader
Lic. en Cs. de la Computación + MSc. en Aplicaciones Espaciales de Alerta y
Respuesta Temprana a Emergencias
pablo.zader at gmail.com

Universidad Nacional de Córdoba
Av. Valpáraíso s/n Ciudad Universitaria
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