[Qgis-user] Meta Search on Mac

Andrea Giudiceandrea andreaerdna at libero.it
Mon Dec 28 00:20:11 PST 2020

Hi all,
it seems to me there is a general issue with almost all services listed by
default in the MetaSearch Catalog Client plugin when a spatial query is
performed (i.e. setting Xmin, Xmax, Ymin, Ymax different from -180, 180,
-90, 90).

In fact, only "Italy: National CSW", "New Zealand: LINZ Data Service" and
"USA: Data.gov CSW" seems to works with a spatial query, while Danmark,
Finland, Iceland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, Spain national csw services
throw the same reported error and the remaining ones don't work at all.

It seems the issue is due to the fact that the MetaSearch client sends the
bounding box crs as "urn:ogc:def:crs:OGC:1.3:CRS84" in the query, and such
string is not recognised by most of those servers.

This behaviour was introduced with https://github.com/qgis/QGIS/pull/5942 in
order to fix https://issues.qgis.org/issues/17739

Just reverting that change, i.e. modifying the following lines in
        if bbox != ['-180', '-90', '180', '90']:
        if bbox != ['-180', '-90', '180', '90']:

solves this issue.

Maybe there is a widely accepted crs string to use?


Andrea Giudiceandrea

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