[Qgis-user] make a shapefile read-only

Aldo Piombino aldo.piombino at tiscali.it
Fri Jun 12 07:05:44 PDT 2020

thank you.

the solution was under my eyes..

it's clear that all the users need to do so. I will send a "definitive" 
version of the Shape to all, recommending the operation


Il 12/06/20 15:57, Andreas Neumann ha scritto:
> Hi Aldo,
> Yes. In "Project" - "Properties" there is a "Read only" column where 
> you can set individual layers as "read only".
> But this has only an effect in the respective project. Other projects 
> could still edit the file. And of course the user can go there and 
> disable the checkbox. Thus it is not a real "protection" - only 
> against "accidental" edits, but not against "deliberate" edits.
> Greetings,
> Andreas
> On 2020-06-12 15:15, Aldo Piombino wrote:
>> Hi all
>> I have a problem: I use in a projet a shapefile that I must consider 
>> as a read-only file.
>> But the risk of a mistake, making the file get accidentally changed, 
>> already exists, and for many reasons I don't want to do so
>> Is it possible in QGIS to make a shapefile impossible to modify?
>> thanks
>> Aldo
             Dr.Aldo Piombino
Scienzeedintorni: www.aldopiombino.blogspot.it
            Skype: aldo.piombino

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