[Qgis-user] Changing default pop-up attribute when using Identify tool

Holly McLachlan hmclachlan1 at gmail.com
Wed Dec 8 12:01:01 PST 2021

Is there a simple way to change the attribute table record that is
automatically displayed in the right side pop-up panel when using the
identify tool. I'm trying to single out a point feature in a point
shapefile with a large set of attributes. I want to see only one associated
row from the attribute table -- one that displays soil Li values in ppms.
Currently the panel that pop ups on the right side of the map viewer shows
these data under the "Action" sub-tree, but only for another row (record).
I need to change the default record that is called by this tool.

Thank you,

Holly S Mclachlan
(775) 762-3408
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