[Qgis-user] WCS and boundingboxes

Rob Thompson cefect at gmail.com
Thu Mar 25 17:05:10 PDT 2021

Hi All,
I'm trying to work with a large WCS raster and am struggling to find decent
documentation on how to do this in QGIS 3.16+:
1) Not really a QGIS question, but what's the best way to identify the WCS
protocols supported by a WCS server? (DescribeCoverage seems to work
regardless of what '&version' is specified)
2) What protocols are supported by QGIS 'wcs' raster driver? (I've tried
passing various keys to QgsRasterLayer... these show up in the provider
source but don't seem to have any effect) Does QGIS use  GDAL
<https://gdal.org/drivers/raster/wcs.html> here?
3) Finally, how can I pass a boundingbox for WCS 1.1.1? Seems like the
protocol has shifted around a lot... so I'm not sure if the problem is my
syntax, the WCS server, or QGIS.

Many Thanks,

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