[Qgis-user] Unable to open some LISTdata open data ESRI File Geodatabases

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Thu Dec 15 15:18:14 PST 2022

Hi Peter,

yes I confirm this dataset is a raster gdb. I can sort-of open it with 
my QGIS + GDAL master build using the OpenFileGDB driver, but you'll see 
the raster tables in a raw unusable way. For example layers like 
fras_blk_NCH_ES_WATER_LOGGING_HAZARD which contains the tiles as 
compressed data in a BLOB column.

You could try the https://github.com/r-barnes/ArcRasterRescue utility to 
convert into GeoTIFF

You could also kindly or not kindly suggest your administration to not 
use proprietary formats for open data whereas thereare so many open 
alternatives, like GeoTIFF...

Small "advertizing": for those interesting, there's a funding 
opportunity to develop a GDAL open source raster driver to be able to 
read filegdb rasters that QGIS could use to open directly such files. 
Contact me off-list if interested.


Le 15/12/2022 à 23:49, JOLLY, Peter via QGIS-User a écrit :
> Hello
> I've downloaded some  datasets from the LISTdata open data repository (https://listdata.thelist.tas.gov.au/opendata/index.html) -  which is a great service.
> However, I can't open any datasets that are solely an ESRI File Geodatabase, e.g. https://listdata.thelist.tas.gov.au/opendata/data/NCH_ES_WATER_LOGGING_HAZARD_STATEWIDE.zip (279 MB)
> Maybe these are raster gdb datasets? How can I tell if that is the case?
> Is there any way the open a raster gdb other than with ESRI software?
> I can open gdb files in QGIS from LISTdata that are included as part of a set with shapefile and MapInfo tab files (e.g. in the "Tasmanian Irrigation Irrigation District" dataset). I'm guessing that is because these are vector gdb files?
> I'm running QGIS 3.10.6 ltr on Windows 10 64-bit (yes I know it's not the latest ltr, but it was the most recent "portable" build I have been able to find and run successfully).
> Thanks
> Peter
> Tasmania, Australia
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