[Qgis-user] Projection conversion

Sebastian Gutwein bas at rdgland.com
Sun Feb 27 11:34:10 PST 2022

QGIS operates on two levels: The data level and the visualization level. If
you added your US outline to QGIS it will automatically show it to you in
the projection the data is in. If all you need is to create an output that
looks like it is in a different projection you can change the projection of
the project. This is done in Project>Project Properties>CRS. Or look in the
bottom right hand corner for the image that looks like a world with a hat
and click to bring up the projection dialog. If you need the actual data to
be in a different projection right click on the layer and select
Export>Save Features As and in the dialog select the desired reference
system (CRS).
Here is handout I created going over this in more detail
Good luck.

On Sun, Feb 27, 2022 at 1:41 PM Mike Breiding - Morgantown WV <
epicroadtrips at gmail.com> wrote:

> Greetings,
> I wish to change the projection of  a shape from from EPSG:4269 - NAD83 -
> Geographic to
> Albers Equal-Area Conic projection.
> The reason for this is to get a USA states outline map which is shorter
> and higher in outline than the current projection for use as a graphic in a
> brochure.
> Thanks,
> WV-Mike
> --
> Mike Breidingwww.EpicRoadTrips.us
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